A.I. Animation Exploration

Smell that? Change is in the air. (…also my GPUs are really hot right now.)

With Artificial Intelligence (whatever that means) seeping its way into seemingly every industry out there, I figure why not see how it’s being applied to the world of Animation?

Uhhh, holy moly. As much as I’d love to put on my blinders and wait for the AI fad to fade away, I really don’t think that’s in the cards for us animators. Since I started Ganzo, I’ve always been really quick to adapt to the changing times within the industry. I daresay this change we have on our hands here is going to be a really, really big one. Am I scared? Thanks for asking. Sure. It’s scary in the same way that any change is scary, but I think in the long run it’s going to be a really amazing change to our workflows.

P.S. Hey future Morgan, if you’re out of work due to AI,
now is the time to put our foot in your mouth.

Take a look below at some rotoscoping I’ve been doing with Stable Diffusion + EbSynth. In short, video goes into the AI models with some prompting. Get used to the word prompt. IMO, Prompts are about to be essential for a lot of folks in creative fields. Prompts give the AI some direction, and a completely new sequence of computer drawn images comes out. I take the data from those AI programs, and treat it like raw footage, bringing it into the Adobe suite to put some stank on it + further push the style to make them fun little pieces.

Even in this early stage of AI, I think it’s got a ton of potential for application in the creative world. The amount of growth I’ve seen it go through in the last 6 months, is absolutely absurd. I can’t even comprehend how much it’s going to change our workflows in what I think will be a very short amount of time, and I’m completely here for it.

Anyways, rant over. Thanks for reading! Enjoy my use of the tech below!





RAW footage


kind of impressive yeah?

This is just a taste of what I’ve been experimenting with in my limited free time. The potential is undeniable, even in the early state it’s in currently. If you have a project you think we could utilize this tech, I’d love the opportunity to get serious with it. Hit us up to talk more about it. Thanks for reading!

- Morgan -


Logos + Designs | Ganzo


Logo Animation | Ganzo